The Dos and Don’ts of cybersecurity have never been more important than they are today as more workers work remotely. By following some basic rules, you can safeguard your company’s data and prevent security breaches that render you and your company vulnerable.
1. Take extra precautions to secure your passwords and passphrases.
Keep your personal data separate from your work data by using different passwords for each. When possible, use at least 16 character passwords.
Change your passwords regularly. You can utilize a password generator to create passwords that are difficult to hack.
2. Store and access work data on designated work computers instead of personal computers.
It is important to remember that your company has most likely taken precautions to protect your work computer with the installation of ongoing updates, antivirus scans, and blocking malicious actors. Practically speaking, most personal computers are no match for corporate computers as it relates to security measures and the substantial budget allocated to taking precautions.
3. Encrypt Data
By encrypting sensitive information that is being stored on your device or emailed, it can’t be viewed by other people. Managed IT services in Denver are available to help you with this step. It also makes sense to encrypt stored confidential data on your device in case your computer is stolen.
4. Update software on your devices at regular intervals.
By updating your software regularly, you eliminate the risk of exposure to malware and other irregularities. Updating on a weekly basis is recommended. Considering that all software and hardware are plagued with vulnerabilities, it is important to update them whenever a weakness is spotted to prevent a cybercriminal from exploiting the problem.
5. Block the screen to eliminate the risk of people in the vicinity seeing it.
When you are working at a coffee shop or some other public place, notice your surroundings and be sure to safeguard your screen. Prying eyes are all around you. Granted, most people are not cybercriminals, but some are. It is impossible to identify who the bad guys are.
6. Add tracking software to your device.
It’s always a good idea to be prepared for the worst-case scenarios. Tracking software can locate your device if it is lost or stolen. Tracking software like Prey allows the owner to lock down the device remotely and to also delete passwords for added security.
7. Employ the use of a virtual private network (VPN) when using public Wi-Fi.
VPNs protect confidential information by providing a secure route for information to travel to your devices.
8. Always keep your door locked.
Many computers are stolen right off a person’s desk at home.

1. Don’t click on links or mysterious attachments from unverifiable sources.
This is a common method cybercriminals use to infect your device with malware ( or a virus. When in doubt, don’t click on any link or attachment.
2. Never abandon your computer in a public space to go to the bathroom or get a coffee.
In the blink of an eye, your device can be stolen. Criminals understand human behavior and watch for people in coffee shops and other public spaces to leave their computers behind.
3. Never email financial or sensitive personal information until you have verified the transaction.
People are trusting by nature, making them easy targets. Be sure to verify any email address before sending out any information that could be exploited if it lands in the wrong hands.
4. Never leave your computer in your car or trunk.
Beware the casual observer watching people lock their computers in their trunks. Whether you realize it or not, people are always watching.